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pa 114造句

  • PA 114 was designated in 1928 between US 11 in Hogestown and Lisburn.
  • In the 1940s, PA 114 was extended east from Lisburn to PA 24.
  • The road curves northwest and becomes the border between the borough of PA 114.
  • In the 1960s, PA 114 was extended north from its eastern terminus to Old York Road along the former alignment of PA 24.
  • PA 24 was designated in 1928 to run from the Maryland border south of Stewartstown north to Bunches, and an extended PA 114 between Bunches and New Market.
  • In the 1950s, the northern terminus of PA 24 was cut back to an interchange with Bunches, and an eastern extension of PA 114 between Bunches and New Market.
  • In 1992, the turnpike commission decided not to build it because it would instead build a connector road to the depot between PA 114 and Old York Road that would parallel the turnpike.
  • It's difficult to see pa 114 in a sentence. 用pa 114造句挺难的
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